🚙🪪 Join us for a Secretary of State Pop-up at Kilbourn Park!

Dear Neighbor,

My office is partnering up with Sen. Graciela Guzman, Comm’r Anthony Quezada, Ald. Ruth Cruz, and the Secretary of State's office to host a Mobile Secretary of State Pop-up at Kilbourn Park. 

With the recent closing of the Diversey Avenue DMV facility and the REAL ID deadline approaching in May, we understand how access to these services is needed in our community. 

Join us on Friday, March 7, from 10am to 2pm for the following services:

  • Applying for a Real ID

  • Renewing or correcting driver's license (No NEW driver's license applications) 

  • Applying for a new state ID or correcting a current ID

  • Purchasing license plate renewal stickers

  • Updating organ donor registration information 

  • ICash and IL Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation will also be onsite

Appointments are required, and we still have afternoon appointments available! Find out more information, and sign up for an appointment here: bit.ly/SoS2025NWS.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Know Your Rights

My office is proudly part of the Northwest Side Progressive Coalition working with the community on deportation defense to inform and protect our neighbors. You can find a database of resources to share with family and community members here.

If someone in your community or workplace is detained by immigration officials, contact the ICIRR Family Support Hotline 1-855-435-7693. The hotline staff can serve callers in English, Spanish, Polish, and Korean. The hotline can share more information about:

  • Immigrant Family Support Program (ICIRR's financial support program)

  • Report ICE activity

  • Support to locate someone in ICE custody

  • Connect with an immigration attorney

  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

  • Healthcare resources for immigrants and refugees

  • Public charge updates

  • Workplace rights, issues, or safety for immigrants

In addition to the hotline, you can also reach out to the following government offices during regular office hours:

  • 35th Ward and Cook County’s 8th District: 773-985-3510

  • 26th Ward: 773-395-0143

  • 30th Ward: 773-628-7874

  • 33rd Ward: 773-840-7880

  • IL 4th House District: 773-337-9995

  • IL 39th House District: 773-853-2570 (my office)

  • IL 20th Senate District: 773-278-2020

Cook County Health Birthday Health Screenings

Cook County Health has launched a new Birthday Health Screening Program. The program encourages Cook County residents who meet the clinical guidelines for breast or prostate cancer screenings to schedule an appointment at CCH during their birthday month. The screenings will be free of cost for the majority of patients.

Court Based Rental Assistance Program

Illinois renters who have pending cases in eviction courts are now eligible to apply for up to $15,000 in emergency rental payments. These emergency rental payments can be applied to past-due rent dating back to March 2020. The funds can also pay up to $500 for court costs and up to two months of future rent payments to prevent an eviction. Please note that an eviction court case number is required to apply. Find more information here


Addressing the State of Our Nation at the State Level


Let's talk about sex work